Why Airbenders & Chinese Food are Blessing My Marriage

Flashback to 2006. I'm a junior high kid that rides the bus. I'm blessed with a tight-knit group of friends, and we do all the things that 2000's era tween girls do--pass notes to each other in the hallways, share ear-buds while listening to Weezer and Avril Levine on our MP3players, chomp on Orbit gum while giggling over our latest crushes, play Vampire and Kick-the-can during night games, and hot tub followed by caramel popcorn and watching Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl while fawning over Orlando Bloom. But one of the pop-culture items I DID NOT participate in as a tween was watching & discussing the Nickelodeon hit show "Avatar: The Last Airbender." I have vivid memories of my dear friends Noelle Crandall and Shanelle Winkel geeking out over Aang, Appa, Zuko, Jet, and the rest of the gang in the show. I watched a few snippets of episodes here and there while socializing with friends, and I even attended Noelle's party for the ...