Yellow + Blue = L O V E

I’m yellow and Mikayla is blue. There’s a personality test that puts people into 4 groups represented by color: Red, Yellow, Blue, and White. Mikayla and I have taken this test several times and our colors have changed a little over time but for the most part Mikayla is a blue, and I am a yellow. Blue personality types are known for being very organized and always having a plan, while yellows are very much shoot from the hip kind of people. Mikayla likes to have a plan a month in advance, and I’m OK with deciding on something in the moment. Mikayla has helped me become more organized and prepared, while I have helped her realize that when plans fall through we can still have a good time with the brand new plan that we just came up with.
            There are good and bad qualities of all the four color types (and therefore, all personalities) and it is up to each spouse to identify the positives instead of the negatives of each.
It makes me think of stalkers and admirers. A stalker shows up unexpectedly and can be very persistent. They leave notes, gifts, texts, and voicemails. This can make the other person really uncomfortable if it is unwanted. Admirers do the exact same things, but the actions are well received. Similarly, Mikayla loves when I leave her notes and voicemails, and I love when Mikayla shows up unexpectedly at my office. We choose how to react to one another. I am forever grateful that Mikayla continues to find me funny (and not annoying). She enjoys hearing about my day when I’m sure others would find it quite uninteresting. I think Mikayla has a beautiful singing voice, but others might prefer someone else’s singing style more so. We should choose to love our spouse day after day, and that is what makes marriages work.
            What’s nice, is that I really do like my wife. I like her qualities, her personality, and her spirit. I genuinely enjoy being around her. Is Mikayla perfect? Of course not. But I choose to focus on the good, and that makes her perfect for me. The more we point out and praise the positive in one another, the more of the positive we are going to see.  Opposites can attract if we continue to see the opposite as a positive. If you wake up one day and see your spouse as having a bunch of annoying or negative traits, try and remember how you once viewed that trait. More often than not, it’s not the person that has changed, but rather our opinions of them.


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