Just Go With It, Babe

Something you should know about Kevin: he is thrifty in SO many ways, and he's also extremely driven when it comes to teaching himself new skills. One of his latest ventures in this regard has been cutting hair, namely his and Charlie's. And, might I say, he does a pretty good job.

The only catch? I'm required to assist in trimming the back of Kevin's head, the spots where he can't see.

This last Wednesday was haircut day, and when it came to my portion of trimming Kevin's mane,  I was so afraid of messing it up that I was all-engrossed and unaware of anything else. And Kevin was captive to my watchful eye and the buzzers. At the same time, less than 15 feet away, our Charlie discovered a small bottle of baby powder. And then that toddler boy discovered how beautifully that powder looked upon his navy bedclothes. His inner artist went wild.

Our attention was averted from him for a grand total of three minutes, and in that time, nearly the entire bottle was emptied in pockets of powder about his room. Kevin and I both took one look, and a moment later we busted up laughing in fits of giggles. Charlie started applauding for himself. Naturally, we then ran to get our phones and take a picture.

I LOVE that about my husband. When something goes awry, his inclination is to laugh or look at the bright side; and that beautiful perspective has rubbed off on me in the best way these last four years. If I could put his attitude into words, it'd be something like "Just go with it, babe." Kevin does not get bent out of shape when mishaps and mistakes happen. Instead, he takes it as a learning experience and sees the humor in it.

During our lives together in marriage, cars will break down. Restaurant orders will get mixed up. Kids will destroy things. Savings will go to repairs we didn't plan on. Clothes will get ruined. Plans will change and change again. But honestly, life is too short to be grumpy all the time. Let's laugh instead. Just go with it, babe.



  1. Replies
    1. Oh dear! I remember your Jane incident with that haha. We'll make sure to keep it secret & safe ;)


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