Remember Landmark Days In Your Relationship

September 9th, 2014.

Dark brown hair, freckles, a mischievous grin. I'll never forget seeing him there that day, through the glass door of the University Advisement Center & Academic Support Office, as I stepped on up for a job interview. A clear thought flooded my mind, "he's going to fall in love with me someday." 

I was hired on the spot. I'm pretty sure the UAC/ASO was just desperate for a warm body capable of answering phone calls and scheduling appointments during their breakneck schedule those first few weeks of the school year, but nonetheless, I'll be forever grateful they gave me a chance. The most we said to each other was "nice to meet you" and we shook hands. As I walked away, mostly I felt grateful for a job--but I also felt tremendously awkward for that thought, "he's going to fall in love with me someday..." How egocentric of me! I'd never thought that about anyone before. 

That night, Kevin wrote in his journal, "So I've decided to ask out the new coworker from work. Her name is Mikayla & she is super pretty. I'm going to wait a week or two to get to know her better but as for now I'll just brain storm the perfect date." 

Pam Huston, our darling boss, went home the same evening and told her husband, John, "Kevin and Mikayla are going to get married." He responded, "Wait, who's Mikayla?' She proceeded to explain to him who we were, and he retorted, "Pam, don't you meddle!"

Welp... She meddled.

The first day of work, she asked Kevin to train me in her stead on all the office policies. He introduced me to all of our coworkers and the center advisers. He sat next to me to train me on all the scheduling programs and procedures. And as the hours and days and weeks went on, work became my favorite part of the day. 

We got paid to flirt. And the rest is history.

The marriage takeaway of today? Think back on your courtship and important dates in your relationship. REMEMBER those days. Mention them to your spouse, reminisce them with your spouse, CELEBRATE them with your spouse!

This day when we met, it's simple. It may not be our wedding anniversary or the day we became parents or even our engagement day. But it is of paramount importance in my life and I'm forever grateful it happened! Today, we celebrated our "meet"-aversary with eating meat for dinner, sending a thank-you text to our former boss Pam for pairing us together in the first place, and reminiscing on our first impressions of one another. Last year, we celebrated by going on a date and seeing my favorite band Grizzly Goat perform live at Velour. Three years ago, I shared a celebratory Facebook post. 

Find simple ways to remember and celebrate important dates in your relationship with your sweetheart. It brings back the butterflies and sparks that chemistry all over again. It turns a humdrum day into a happy day.



  1. Aww, this is adorable. I don't know any specific dates, but Clayton and I did write down our impressions of some important things (our first date, among others), and I'm SO glad we did! It's fun to remember! :)

    1. Agreed! Recording some of those early falling-in-love moments are so special to reflect on, and reflecting on them together can bring some of those giddy butterflies from early courtship back full throttle!


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