Two Tips for Dating (For Husbands)

Mikayla and I made a goal when we got married, to go on a date every week. Some weeks have been better than others. Some times we go out to dinner and do something fun and other times we just pop some popcorn and watch a movie. Funny enough, it’s not what we actually do, but rather the vocal declaration that we are on a date that matters. Mikayla has reminded me of this many times, I’m still not perfect at it but I am trying. Mikayla likes it when I have some kind of plan a day or two before the date. My personality can lean towards the “Lets do whatever you want” mentality because I just want Mikayla to be happy. However, what really makes her happy is when I make her feel special by having a plan and carrying it out. So here are two tips for my fellow guys that want to please their wife with a date (but really just want to do what ever your wife wants):

Tip #1. Write down options on pieces of paper and let her choose. For example: On three pieces of paper, write the name of three restaurants, one per paper. On the back of each of those pieces of paper, write the genre of food at that restaurant. For example:

Fast Food: Wendy’s
Mexican: Los Hermanos
Italian: Olive Garden

Fold the papers so only the genre is visible. Then, when you tell your wife that you both are going out to dinner and she asks where, you can giver her the more generic options, and she gets to choose. Whatever she chooses, you commit to, and that way she feels like you planned the evening  (and you’re happy, because she gets what she wants). The same idea can be applied to movies, activities, or really whatever else you want. I actually stole this idea from some guy that asked out my sister when she was in college.

Tip #2. Let her guess where you are going to dinner. Approach your wife and act all excited and say “Guess where we are going to dinner” Odds are she will say “Where?” Follow that up with, “No, really guess? Her first guess will be something that sounds good to her. Commit to whatever she just said and say, “That is exactly right, we are going to _____” This one I saw on the internet and I really liked. As long as you commit it will be great!

The goal is to enjoy spending time with your wife. The less time you both spend deciding on what to do, the better. Go have fun together.



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