Yellow + Blue = L O V E

I’m yellow and Mikayla is blue. There’s a personality test that puts people into 4 groups represented by color: Red, Yellow, Blue, and White. Mikayla and I have taken this test several times and our colors have changed a little over time but for the most part Mikayla is a blue, and I am a yellow. Blue personality types are known for being very organized and always having a plan, while yellows are very much shoot from the hip kind of people. Mikayla likes to have a plan a month in advance, and I’m OK with deciding on something in the moment. Mikayla has helped me become more organized and prepared, while I have helped her realize that when plans fall through we can still have a good time with the brand new plan that we just came up with. There are good and bad qualities of all the four color types (and therefore, all personalities) and it is up to each spouse to identify the positives instead of the negati...