5 Outdoor Outings During COVID-19

Hey there, couples! How are you holding up? Kevin & I have our up days and down days, each week throws new changes and regulations at us and it’s all we can do to keep up with the news and try to make sense of how to responsibly move forward. Who would have ever thought that visiting your grandparents would be a socially irresponsible act? It bugs me. We’re treading unprecedented water here. I hope that each of you is doing the best you can to give yourself grace and understanding, and give your spouse grace and understanding, too. My response to this pandemic has ofttimes been one of stress, discomfort, tears, worry and grief--whereas Kevin’s response has been one of peace, hope, and calm (he has LOVED working from home and takes change like a champ). That difference between us has caused us some hiccups in communication, and we’ve had to take time to chat and cope together as we learn to re-understand each other and press forward in our growth as a couple, even amidst a pandemic.

Something I’ve always loved is time outdoors. However, I have allowed the busy clutter of life to keep me from enjoying time in nature in previous seasons. This unique pandemic time has reduced my husband’s commute time to zero. It has nixed nearly all of our other engagements. So, together, we have spent a great deal of time outdoors in recent weeks, and I have found it to be really healthy for our relationship and our psyche. If you have children, you probably can’t consider these outings a “date” persay, since you’ll need to bring them along… however, these outings are an excellent opportunity to bond as a family, and if you make sure to talk and play with your spouse, your marriage will definitely be strengthened. (Also, what can be more heart-warming and downright attractive than seeing my husband play and laugh with my little ones as their involved daddy? Let’s be real, it’s totally hot.)

Okay, without further adieu, here are 5 outdoor options for you and your sweetheart to enjoy together (and with your children!) during COVID-19.

1. Takeout Picnic! Support a local business by purchasing takeout. Bring along a sturdy blanket and possibly some yard games like frisbee or bocce ball. Find an open grassy area (according to the current stipulations of your governmental region) and enjoy dinner together and outdoor games afterwards.

2. Chalk art! We’ve enjoyed regular old chalk our ourselves lately, drawing everything from body outlines to our favorite foods to copying pictures from our favorite picture books. There’s a few neat chalk ideas out there we’ve yet to try (and we’re excited to!). Here’s our next chalk project:

Stained Glass Chalk Art (use tape for the lines!)
Source: teachersmag.com

And a few pictures of our picture book art (brownie points for anyone who can name the pictures books we've copied from! Name the titles in the comments below)

3. Nature walk/hike! There’s a canyon very close to our home that we hadn’t explored previous to Corona. On Easter Sunday after our in-home family worship services, we changed into jeans and headed up for a walk. We discovered a lovely river, our son found some rocks and sticks that delighted him, and we enjoyed a beautiful place close to our home that we’d never seen before. Where in your community’s natureways have you had an inkling to explore? Take this time to GO and SEE!

4. Yardwork service! Last weekend I was feeling that cabin fever something fierce. We visited my parents and while I mowed the lawn, Kevin helped even out some flowerbeds and our sons enjoyed the trampoline, shade, and garden worms. It was incredible to have the sun on our faces and to use our hands to do something useful and kind. Do you have a neighbor or family member that could use some help with upkeep? Ask their permission, and then go for it!

5. Cloud Gazing. I haven’t done this with Kevin yet, but I did with my two year old and baby a few weeks ago. We laid out a blanket on our front lawn and just watched the sky together. When was the last time I did that? I can’t remember! It was so relaxing and lovely.

We are praying for you to enjoy some time in God’s creations and to strengthen your love for one another even amidst the slew of trials you may be facing. All the best & all for now,



  1. Awesome ideas, Mikayla! Is the first chalk drawing from "No, David"? And the second "Where the Wild Things Are"?

    1. Jessica! Yes, the first drawing is from a sequel to "No, David" titled "David Gets In Trouble." So I'll give it to you! The second drawing is actually from a book titled "A Busy Creature's Day Eating" by Mo Willems.


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