
Showing posts from February, 2020

Budget-Friendly Date Series: Episode 2: Bob Ross Painting Night

Because keeping to a strict budget is a necessity for our family at present (as it is for many couples!), I've created this mini-series of posts highlighting dates that that are economic, can often be done at home after the kids are in bed (which saves money and anxiety over babysitters) yet still maintain a romantic and relationship-enriching atmosphere.  Episode 2: Bob Ross Painting Night So the credit for this date night really isn't mine. I'd like to send a shoutout to our dear friends Scott & Amanda Larsen, who hosted the first "Bob Ross Painting Nights" I've ever attended. Here's a pic from our "Happy Trees" birthday gig for Scotty a few years back: If you're not familiar with him, Bob Ross was a wonderful man. He was an artist and television host on the show "The Joy of Painting," which aired from 1983-1994. Some of his noteworthy characteristics include his blonde/brown fro, the squirrel in his pocket, an

Interview #1: Swalberg Love

**This post is the first of another series we will regularly host on this blog. These posts are written from interviews we've conducted with couples whose marriages we admire, and from whom we can all learn.** Mikayla and I started this blog with the hopes of promoting strong marriage relations. As a part of that we wanted to learn how others have made their marriages work and found joy along the journey. I took some time to interview my grandpa, William Oscar Swalberg to see what his experiences were like. My goal going into the interview was to find out what kind of relationship he and my late grandma had together (I've summarized the interview below for those in my family or friends that care to read more). My Grandpa Swalberg is a wonderful man. He is in his 80's and is still kicking. He is a diligent crossing guard who gladly helps elementary kids cross busy streets no matter what mother nature throws his way! My grandmother, from what I remember, was always kind-n